Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What Does it Means to Run Your Job Search Like a Business?

by Larry Goldsmith on April 10, 2012

Don?t take it literal when someone tells you to run you job search like a business.? Don?t assume it means that you wake up each day at 7 in the morning, put on a suit and go to work.? Ask yourself this question.? What does a job search have in common with a business?? The correct response is that, ?they both need a Strategy for Success.?

Yes, run your job search like business.? Begin your job search with a strategic plan.? A strategic plan for a business is one that follows the criteria set out in its Vision, Mission, Goal and Objectives.? You should have a similar strategic plan for your job search.? Think of your plan beginning with the vision statement.?? Your?vision is where?you see yourself?in the far off?future.? It is the?job of your dream.? This leads to the question of the purpose of your existence?? This is called a mission statement.? The?mission put you on a?Strategic Plan to Achieve the Vision.?

Each strategic plan needs a goal.???Goals are broad statements and?are not measurable.???There is usually more than a single goal.???? An example of a goal for a job search is to?get a job??? There is no measurement to this goal.? It is just?your desired outcome?to help you achieve your?vision and mission.? The question is however how do you?move from?a goal to?actually securing?the?job??? This happens?by?setting?objectives that are aligned with your goal.? Objectives are measurable.? Objectives are concrete statements leading to specific outcomes to achieve the goal.? ?An objective is the measurable component of a goal.? Here is what the process?looks like sequentially.

  1. Vision:? Where you would like to be in the future.?
  2. Mission:? Purpose of existence to?Achieve the Vision
  3. Goal:? Goals are broad statements of desired outcomes to achieve the vision and mission.?[Example: To Get a Job.]
  4. Objective:??An objective is the measurable component of a goal.? The difference between a goal and an objective is measurement.? One has measurement and the other does not.? Objectives are action ? oriented with a timeline.? [Example of an objective:? I will distribute my resume to 20 organizations within seven (7) days]

To sum it up, you want to begin your search with a ?business? strategy.? Put together a job search plan.? Set up a business model that follows strategic planning.? Define your vision and mission.? Make it simple to start.? Choose a limited number of broad goals that reflect multiple objectives that capitalize on your strengths.? Those that begin with this strategy will find that their successes multiply.? You plan will become your road map to job search success.

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